Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key

Embark on an enriching journey with the Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key, a comprehensive guide that unlocks the intricacies of vocabulary building. Dive into the world of words, expanding your linguistic horizons with newfound confidence and fluency.

Delve into the heart of Lesson 6, where you’ll encounter a treasure trove of vocabulary words, their meanings, and practical applications. This answer key serves as your trusted companion, providing insightful explanations and guidance to help you master each word.

Meaning of Wordly Wise Lesson 6

Wordly Wise Lesson 6 introduces students to a set of vocabulary words that are commonly used in academic and literary contexts. These words are carefully selected to expand students’ vocabulary and improve their reading comprehension skills.

Vocabulary Words

The vocabulary words introduced in this lesson are:

  • Abrogate(verb): to repeal or annul a law or treaty
  • Amortize(verb): to pay off a debt gradually over time
  • Antipathy(noun): a strong dislike or aversion
  • Arbitrate(verb): to act as a neutral third party to resolve a dispute
  • Arduous(adjective): requiring a lot of effort or energy
  • Coerce(verb): to force someone to do something against their will
  • Complacent(adjective): feeling satisfied with oneself and not willing to make an effort
  • Conciliate(verb): to make peace or restore harmony
  • Debilitate(verb): to weaken or make powerless
  • Disparage(verb): to criticize or belittle

Examples of Usage

Here are some examples of how these words are used in context:

  • The government decided to abrogatethe treaty because it was no longer in the best interests of the country.
  • The bank allowed us to amortizeour mortgage over a period of 30 years.
  • I have a strong antipathytowards spiders.
  • The judge was asked to arbitratethe dispute between the two companies.
  • The hike was so arduousthat we had to take several breaks along the way.
  • The police used excessive force to coercethe suspect into confessing.
  • The students were so complacentthat they didn’t bother to study for the test.
  • The mediator was able to conciliatethe two parties and reach a compromise.
  • The illness debilitatedher so much that she was unable to get out of bed.
  • The critic disparagedthe film, calling it “a waste of time.”

Answer Key for Lesson 6

This answer key provides solutions to the exercises in Lesson 6 of Wordly Wise. It includes explanations for each answer, helping you understand the reasoning behind the correct choices.

Multiple-Choice Questions

Which word means “to make a statement that is not true”?

(A) Prevaricate

(B) Fabricate

(C) Dissimulate

(D) Exaggerate


B Explanation: Fabricate means to create something that is not true, often with the intention of deceiving others.

Which word means “to make fun of someone or something”?

(A) Ridicule

(B) Denigrate

(C) Satirize

(D) Mock


A Explanation: Ridicule means to make fun of someone or something in a way that is often harsh or mocking.

Which word means “to give up or abandon”?

(A) Renounce

(B) Abdicate

(C) Relinquish

(D) Cede


A Explanation: Renounce means to give up or abandon something, often formally or publicly.


The politician’s ______________ statements about his opponent’s record angered many voters.


Fabricated Explanation: Fabricated means to create something that is not true, often with the intention of deceiving others.

The comedian’s ______________ jokes kept the audience laughing throughout the show.


Ridiculing Explanation: Ridiculing means to make fun of someone or something in a way that is often harsh or mocking.

The athlete ______________ his title after a disappointing performance.


Renounced Explanation: Renounce means to give up or abandon something, often formally or publicly.

Application of Vocabulary

Applying vocabulary words in different contexts is essential for developing a strong command of language. Here are some ways to use the words from Lesson 6 in meaningful ways:

Usage Table

The following table demonstrates the usage of the vocabulary words in different contexts:

Word Definition Example
Discerning Showing good judgment The discerning shopper carefully examined the products before making a purchase.
Enigmatic Mysteriously puzzling The enigmatic smile on the stranger’s face left me wondering about their intentions.
Ephemeral Lasting for a very short time The ephemeral beauty of the cherry blossoms was gone in a matter of days.
Fastidious Excessively concerned with cleanliness and order The fastidious housekeeper spent hours cleaning and organizing her home.
Gregarious Sociable and outgoing The gregarious partygoers chatted and laughed throughout the night.


Here are some sentences that illustrate the correct use of the words:

  • The discerning art collector recognized the true value of the painting.
  • The enigmatic letter left us scratching our heads, wondering what it meant.
  • The ephemeral nature of life reminds us to cherish every moment.
  • The fastidious chef insisted on using only the freshest ingredients.
  • The gregarious host made everyone feel welcome at the party.

Real-World Applications

Here are some examples of how to apply these words in real-world situations:

  • When making a decision, be discerning and consider all the options carefully.
  • If you encounter an enigmatic person, try to understand their motivations without jumping to conclusions.
  • Appreciate the ephemeral beauty of nature, such as a sunset or a blooming flower.
  • To maintain a healthy lifestyle, be fastidious about your diet and exercise routine.
  • If you want to make new friends, be gregarious and engage in social activities.

Assessment and Practice

To assess your understanding of the vocabulary words in Lesson 6, here are some practice questions that cover various formats:

Short Answer Questions

Provide concise answers to the following questions:

  • Define the term “abrogate”.
  • Explain the meaning of “capricious”.
  • What is the synonym of “disdainful”?

Matching Exercises

Match the vocabulary words with their correct definitions:

  • Abrogate
  • Capricious
  • Disdainful
  • Exacerbate
  • Fastidious
  • To worsen
  • To repeal or annul
  • Unpredictable
  • Full of scorn
  • Very particular

Word Puzzles

Solve the following word puzzles using the vocabulary words:

  1. Fill in the blank: “The judge ordered the lawyer to ______ the contract.”
  2. Find the missing word: “She was known for her ______ nature.”


Check your answers against the answer key to assess your understanding. Correct answers will provide positive reinforcement, while incorrect answers will indicate areas for further review.

Extension Activities

Extension activities can provide students with additional opportunities to engage with the vocabulary learned in Lesson 6, reinforcing their understanding and retention. These activities can take various forms, including games, puzzles, and projects.




Students can play Wordle using the target vocabulary words to practice spelling and recall.

  • -*Word Jumbles

    Create word jumbles using the target words and have students unscramble them.

  • -*Vocabulary Charades

    Write the target words on slips of paper and have students take turns acting them out while their classmates guess.

Puzzles, Wordly wise lesson 6 answer key


-*Crossword Puzzles

Create crossword puzzles that incorporate the target words as clues.

  • -*Word Searches

    Hide the target words in a word search puzzle and have students find them.

  • -*Anagrams

    Provide students with anagrams of the target words and have them rearrange the letters to form the correct words.



-*Vocabulary Journals

Have students keep vocabulary journals where they record the target words, their definitions, and examples of how they are used.

  • -*Vocabulary Posters

    Students can create posters that illustrate the target words through drawings, collages, or other creative expressions.

  • -*Vocabulary Presentations

    Have students prepare short presentations where they present the target words to the class, explaining their meanings and usage.

These activities promote vocabulary retention by providing students with multiple opportunities to interact with the words in different contexts. Through games, puzzles, and projects, students can deepen their understanding, improve their recall, and expand their vocabulary usage.

Answers to Common Questions: Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key

What is the purpose of the Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key?

The Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key provides comprehensive solutions and explanations for the exercises and activities in Lesson 6, enhancing your understanding of the vocabulary words introduced.

How can I use the Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key effectively?

Refer to the answer key after completing the exercises in Lesson 6 to check your answers, identify areas for improvement, and reinforce your learning.

What types of exercises are included in the Wordly Wise Lesson 6 Answer Key?

The answer key covers a range of exercises, including multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and other activities designed to assess your understanding of the vocabulary words.

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