Select The Correct Possessive Adjective To Complete Each Sentence

Select the correct possessive adjective to complete each sentence: this fundamental aspect of grammar plays a pivotal role in conveying ownership, belonging, or association. Mastering the appropriate usage of possessive adjectives empowers writers and speakers to communicate their ideas with precision and clarity.

Delving into the intricacies of possessive adjectives, this guide unveils their types, functions, and application in various contexts, equipping learners with the tools to elevate their linguistic proficiency.

Possessive Adjectives: Select The Correct Possessive Adjective To Complete Each Sentence

Select the correct possessive adjective to complete each sentence

Possessive adjectives are words that indicate ownership or possession of a noun or pronoun. They are used before the noun they modify to show who or what owns or possesses something.

Types of Possessive Adjectives, Select the correct possessive adjective to complete each sentence

  • Singular possessive adjectivesare used before singular nouns or pronouns.
  • Plural possessive adjectivesare used before plural nouns or pronouns.
  • Reflexive possessive adjectivesare used before a noun or pronoun that refers back to the subject of the sentence.
Type Examples
Singular my, your, his, her, its
Plural our, your, their
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves

Using Possessive Adjectives Correctly

Possessive adjectives are placed before the noun or pronoun they modify. They must agree in number with the noun or pronoun.

  • Correct:The dog wagged its tail.
  • Incorrect:The dog wagged it’s tail.

When a possessive adjective is used before a noun that is already plural, the possessive adjective does not change form.

  • Correct:The students’ books are on the table.
  • Incorrect:The students’s books are on the table.

Popular Questions

What are the different types of possessive adjectives?

Possessive adjectives can be classified into three main types: singular, plural, and reflexive.

How can I avoid common errors in using possessive adjectives?

To avoid errors, ensure that the possessive adjective agrees in number with the noun it modifies and that it is placed immediately before the noun.